3 Jan 2011

.Getting myself on a Loop.

I went out right after to try to get myself on a loop first thing in the morning. I met Mr. Ku, who was very nice explaining the loop, encouraging me that it is easy to ride a bike. So I settled for the tomorrow and joined the guys for some dinner and beers. We have been sitting and talking there long enough for the rest of the guys to change their mind and also do the loop, so we settled for `let’s do this` and went to sleep.

It was the worst night in my trip, no doubts. For starters – my stomach did not work and kept me awake. The room smelled like vomit and made me wanna puke as well. Some bacon smell came into the room early in the morning. It killed the vomit smell, but it made me wanna puke even more.

So after half-sleepless night I packed my bags, went downstairs, informed the Japanese part of our team that their German is coming soon, took some tea [food would have definitely sent me to the toilet] and went for my first lesson on a bike. It wasn’t horrible, although I did it pretty crappy for the first time, but it looked promising. At least I hoped. The four of us for the bikes and got ready and the guy who was supposed to be on a loop for four days just like me wasn’t there. The guys kept on asking where `My German` was, but I even had no idea where his room was, so I had no impact on rushing My German what so ever.

Finally my German showed up and we hit the road. I sat down on a red motorbike, already named Sascha [the name I picked up for my bike maybe 4 years ago] and went to the gasoline station. Here I learnt that my Sascha is not the only Sascha around – the half-japanese guy is also known by the same name.

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