10 Aug 2012

°Keep it with me always°

It’s amazingly unbelievable how my luck sometimes strikes in the worst moments ever. Just after I posted my last entry and read one last e-mail on my computer next morning it was long gone already. Again, I may add. And all of the time, when my computer crashes, I lose all of the possible and impossible motivation do anything with that anymore. So that should answer the question on – how is it going for me and my thesis – not good, not great and can I ask something – don’t ask that again. I’m tired of answering. Honestly.

So after my computer crashed I got my wake up call. You can call that a moral hangover finally kicked in or something, but I decided to change some parts of my living. And it was going all well. I even started to renovate and reconstruct. And even though I am still in the progress, but I think I can see that light at the end of the tunnel.

And my life have been pretty much easily the same day after day. I have been working almost every single day, so not so much time left for anything else. I’ve been doing day shifts, then night shifts, then day shifts again and then night ones – again. It used to make m kind of tired, and after a week of this, on a day off, I would just want nothing but do nothing.

I did manage to finish `Clockwork orange` and read a few other books. I even took two Spanish fairy tales books and I am going to read. I honestly hope so. I need to improve my Spanish. I already responded to my friend’s e-mail in Spanish and I hope we will keep on going that direction.

As stupid as is sounds sometimes, I got completely hooked up on `Gossip Girl`. Feel free to call me crazy or childish or anything. I got hooked up. And even if after some seasons it became a little less exciting, I am still waiting for the new season so come up.

And the last weekend became a little out of the usual – doing nothing, happens nothing – schedule. I took the whole weekend off [does not happen, like ever] and then Rick came for a visit. It was like a small catching up. After Amsterdam, where we had so little time for catching up, this was a great deal for that. We talked, we laughed, we biked, we visited chick with legs and sand castle kind of festival. We went to the Dubliner a few nights and had an unforgettable show, which I will not discuss on the internet. We watched movies, had take away pizzas, walked around Christiania and just had tones of fun.

Now he is gone, I am back on my busy schedule in the Dubs and some more thing I need to take care off. I am probably getting back to my old life. With my new thoughts.

And as for the long gone new found sounds: can I have a picture of you, tonight?`

P.S. I have been waiting and wanting for this for as long as I can remember. And at the spot, I managed to forget it. Too bad my memory sometimes plays tricks with my mind. But I managed. And one more impossible is done. Crossed out of my list. From now on the rain will never remind me of me.

P.P.S. This was something exactly I needed. It seems like you know me better than we both are ready to admit. It’s been 6 years now and we are still on that same little piece of paper. You always seem to disappear for what it seems ages, you get back with that hug the minute it is most needed.