26 Apr 2012

°Brand new°

I feel strangely positively optimistic today. And no, I have no vague idea what's causing it. I may as well just go and say - I'm happy and I have no reason for that, I'm afraid. Sue me, if you wish.

And no, I still don't have a job. And no, I still don't have an exact topic for my thesis. And even though my meeting with my professor is already tomorrow, I am in no position to kick myself hard in a soft place so I could work hard on the topic. It will come. I have my faith in me. Or in my professor.

Still, I'm optimistic and positive. I smile and I laugh and people look at me as if I was some sort of a psycho. But I'm not crazy. My mom had me tested.

I made several new things today. I learned something today. I did one thing that scares me today.

I think I'm good.

The rest will follow [just like a shadow or my invisible friends]

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