12 Nov 2012

°I swallowed my pride. And six shots of whiskey°

I need some sleep and I need it now. It’s been a little too crazy around here. And no, not just only with work. I’m still getting there, though.

I had an okay shift on Saturday, following by a nice start of the night with glogg [even if it’s way too sweet] and girls, then shifted to different level. I biked to Chrissie’s place, where she was having a housewarming party. It was a big apartment with a lot of people in there and I knew a total of 1 person. So I thought it’s going to be a long and boring time while trying to find someone to talk to. Wasn’t anything like that. Chrissie introduced me to a lot of people and to be honest I do not remember almost any of their names, but that is not a problem, is it?

I talked with a few of them, we had fun, I mean we really had a lot of fun. We ended up in her room just chilling and talking and then I left. Of course, it was raining, and of course it was cold, but after the night like this, so refreshing and different, I fell asleep happy.

Then the next few days were sort of bad. I could not sleep in the mornings, I could not sleep in the days, I went to work tired and I could not do much, because I was simply trying to sleep or get some rest. In the end I worked Sunday night really tired, but I managed. And then Monday came.

I had to wake up early enough, so I could call and make an appointment with my doctor. I called a few times but the only thing I could get was an answering machine and OF COURSE in Danish. After the last time I figured out it is something like `I am not in the office` thing. I got online and found out that in the case like that I can call 3 other doctors. Alright, lets do this. First one had similar out of office message. The second one.. I tried calling them a lot of times and it was always busy signal. I tried the third one. Receptionist answered to my question in English in Danish fast and something I could not understand. I asked her if she speaks English, because I really do not speak Danish, she said little. Then I tried asking for an appointment in the most easy way she went mute on me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, no `excuse me`, no `I don’t speak your stupid language, you live in Denmark, you speak Danish`, no `Can’t help you, goodbye`. She just sat there, keeping me hanging like an idiot. That almost broke me.

Now it was time for the third one, the busy one. I managed to get my call answered, although in the middle of my explanation what I need phone was dropped. Or something, I don’t know. But I could only hear people walking, pens moving and so on. I kept on asking `hello, excuse me, what is happening?` no response. At some point someone said something like `doctor’s office`, I tried to explain what I want again, but they dropped the phone again. I heard papers, pens, even buttons on the phone being pressed. Still no answer.

That made it. I got furious, sad, angry and all other possible feeling. I need to go to the doctor and people who know me knows that I don’t go there for no reason, and then I get treated like that? Yes, I know I don’t speak Danish and that’s bad of me, but I am here temporarily and I just need to get a doctor’s appointment.

So yes, next time when you want to ask me if I like Denmark, don’t. Because Denmark apparently does not like me, so I don’t have to like it too.

After that I had to get myself together and I did. I finally did my shopping [on-line shopping, still suffered enough], had some sleep and now hopefully will have an easy shift back in the Dubliner. Again.

Off Topic

So many things have happened recently, I am afraid I won’t be able to keep up.

It is true. Yet again I tried and failed. I was right about the first part. True friends are for keeping. Too bad you are not one of them.

And then there was.. that thin ice. Not mine though. I’m afraid it’s getting too deep though. Still, 13 years.

I heard the story that made me a little mad. And proved me right, so I guess it’s better. People do those things all the time and they survive. You wouldn’t let me, and that is your loss. Totally. Completely. Too bad though.

It’s not an old or new song. It’s just something for a sound:

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