27 Apr 2014

°Post-lantern syndrome°

°°I try to make it through my life,
In my way, there’s you
I try to make it through these lies
And That’s all, I do°°

I miss the road. The uncertainty, the smelly crowded dorm-rooms, sun burns. Everything. Everything and anything that others will never understand. Unless they made friends with the road.

Not even you.

I just spent 2 hours watching ‘A map for Saturday’ and most of the times I just smiled and nodded, because this is exactly what you experience and what happens. If you are a backpacker as such, you have been there. You landed in the city you didn’t know. You were wondering around with all your belongings at night looking for a hostel, not knowing which direction to go to. You met someone special and fell in love. Strongly. Passionately. Truly. You met people who could share your life story with, you hung out with people you easily could call your best friends. You had heart breaking goodbyes. The squishingly hard goodbyes, because you know you will most probably never see him or her again. Tears that you will let run down your face or hide underneath thick skin you were forced to grow while on a road.

°°If you were dead or still alive,
I don’t care,
I don’t care°°

Once again, I felt that spinning pain in my chest. And a need to pack and go. Doesn’t matter where or how. Just to go. And maybe never return.

°°Just go and leave this all behind,
Cause I swear
I swear
I don’t care°°

Off Topic

Isn’t it funny, when someone, who is the best friend for you, doesn’t even consider you to be a first-level friend?

Just like music. Which gives your heart vibes. And you don’t seem to be able to stop listening.

I don’t care.

°°(Love changing everything)
(You won’t be there for me)°°

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