I have to say, I’m living a total student life here in Copenhagen. And I do enjoy it, for sure. Strange, how only in two years I almost forgot how much it is. New people to meet, new not understandable things to study, crazy things to do [ok, I admit, I did not stop making these even when I was working].
Saturday night was supposed to be an easy one. I started it very simple – just went to my new place to work and check the schedule, but I met the owner and some people that I met here in March, so we started talking. This lasted for couple hours, including some football on TVs. Then finally I left the place and went to meet my roommate, with whom I was supposed to be going home. That did not worked exactly like that so I stayed with another roommate at his working place. I started talking about different things with someone and didn’t realize when it was time for them to close. Just before the closing I’ve learned Danish way of drinking `Sambuca` [Yes, we definitely have to do it when we meet – it’s awesome] and helped closing the pub. Finally, when we got back home we did not feel like sleeping, so we were just talking and talking, but when sun went out to say `good-morning` we figured out, it is time to say `good-night`.
We figured out, that we should have an easy Sunday night, since everybody is heading for work/studies next day. So we were having a fabulous apple pie with tea or milk and a good movie. It was called `The Bucket list` - and I do recommend it to everyone – exciting movie, not too hard and for some – very useful to see and understand, like there is `nothing impossible`.
Monday was the big day – ordinary lectures started. I have to say – it’s not that different from what I have expected, but still a lot of work to do. For the first lectures – it was ok. As for the second one [it is called micro econometrics – anybody remembers that?]. I’ve got lost somewhere in the middle of the lecture, when my head was too full to manage information, so my heads went just writing down what’s on the black board. I have to admit – haven’t felt such an idiot since my training course when I just started working and didn’t understand a thing. So this is similar, ignoring the fact that I will actually have to have an oral exam on this thing. I need a miracle.. Or..a person, who actually understands this and would be willing to help me in understanding this study field. Well, maybe I will become smarter in couple on months.
A relieve for that day was a concert, I went to in the evening. If any of You are aware of the name, the band was called `Electric Wizards`, and one before, I do not remember the name, but enjoyed much more. Concert was in Christian-town, depends on how good You know Copenhagen, but this part of it is the `open` one. Well, too hard to explain, You simply just have to see it. So I was walking there around with two guys [believe me, I was happy I was not alone or with some girls, I kind of felt unsecure. For the one who no me pretty good – that usually never happens to me], watching strange [or maybe just unordinary] people coming and leaving, finally just listening to some rock sounds.
As for Tuesday – I’ve had a very interesting lecture. The teacher was unbelievable – so much into the field he is teaching and so alive while explaining from first sight boring things, that it even became interesting to me. Although I have also to say, that now I regret I did not study Algebra, Statistics and other things in bachelors that much [cause I was sure I will NEVER need them again], because now it would be such an easy thing, if I could remember all the equations and stuff. Well, I certainly have to become smarter soon, or I will fail.
For the free period on Wednesday, I didn’t go to study, as I should have, but I went to explore Copenhagen I haven’t yet. My first spot was the beach. Pretty cloudy and windy day, but I had fun, just walking around, feeling the sand, touching the water, making some pictures, enjoying the silence. Some of my class mates were supposed to come as well, but finally [or not finally] they decided to skip the beach [probably due to a cloudiness and possible rain], so I stayed alone. Afterwards I was walking around Copenhagen city center and then met some class mates for a chat. It was nice sitting near the water, talking about travelling, favorite cities in the world, possibilities, future and near plans. Finally we ended up watching `Over The Hedge` at home with a roommate. Ah.. It was great. It reminded me of the course, two years ago, in Zagreb, where we had so much fun [Elisabeth, do You remember when we were trying to remember the name of the squirrel and finally went on calling Mislav `Hemmy`? Strange that after so long time exactly yesterday we had a little chat].
So Thursday was a day of a little bit of the classes. Seems that I will survive in these ones – maybe it is not `peace of cake`, but at least understandable and I do manage to follow. And now I’m just having an easy night, checking how is going on for Lithuanian basketball team to play their last friendly match with Spanish, packing a little bit for my short trip to the wedding and clearing out my mind. I also copied almost all seasons of `The Friends` and I am now very much into watching them [it is almost as exciting and hooking up as `Sex and The City` have been].
Ahh.. The basketball have just ended, with the victory of Lithuanians. I’ve got much more enthusiasm and motivation of going to Poland and watching them for real, on the floor, screaming and shouting and experiencing all the victories by myself. But..all this in here in a couple of weeks.
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