One more month. How much can happen in one month?
Not much in here. Let me sink in to it a little.
I went back to Lithuania. Oh yes, those 6, almost 7
days we quite busy and exciting. One of my good friends was getting married and
that was the main reason for me to come back. We spent the night in the boat
and on the seaside, then one more day just chilling Nida.
Other than that I was on a low profile. Just staying
at home, visiting some family, spending some time with my mom, cooking and
trying to find my own sense and my own calmness.
Once back I was trying to get back on my old track and
it was not going the best way. I had friend visiting and another one coming
back after a long time and we had a few days in the park, enjoying the warm and
rare Danish sun.
Then just school, work, some dirty book reading, then
some school, work and some so far still unanswered questions.
And so there is nothing much else to say.
A little boring isn’t it? No need to agree. Or
disagree. I know the absence of excitement when I see it.