It seemed that I only just got back from Geneva and
from the airport, when I found myself in the same Kaastrup airport only two
days later. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the famous staff trip, better known as:
drink as much as you can, act as stupid as you can imagine, do plenty of crazy
things at the same time and regret everything the next day was about to be
happening. Even though a lot of people were guessing right and it wasn’t that
big of a surprise anymore – once at the airport we got the message – we are
going to Berlin.
Started at the airport in an Irish pub with a few
beers we got to the plane and soon enough got off in the capital of Germany. One
kind of short train ride away we got to the city center where we had booked
hotel and checked ourselves in. Of course before and after the check-in
procedure there were beers. Once all of us had their time to get into the room
and leave the packed goods we went for dinner. While food took forever to be
prepared, we had a few drinks and a few talks. Once everyone was happily eaten,
slightly tipsy, happy and excited, we moved towards the real partying.
Now here I may disappoint you by telling you that I went
straight to the hotel after dinner. So I did not participate in heavy drinking,
visiting strip clubs, night clubs and partying till 6 o’clock in the morning. I
fell asleep almost as soon as my head touched the pillow. And to be completely
fair – I did want to party, that was the point of the trip. But I do not regret
I went to sleep. My insomnia was killing me and I definitely needed some sleep.
Besides from the stories I heard [and no, I am not telling them out loud] – I am
kind of happy I wasn’t around. It would have been fun to watch, of course, but
maybe I am too old for this already. It’s just not my scene. Maybe it never
So anyways, I woke up in the morning kind of fresh and
ready to explore the city. Not my first time, but the sun was shining, perfect
weather and the city is nice. We started the 4 of us. We went to the East side
gallery and walked along all those paintings. Funny how I managed to take
pictures of almost the same was as I did almost 3 years [or was it 2?] ago.
We went
down to the Charlie’s check point, found a few interesting things on our way
back to the park. We even got on top of the Angel and saw the city from up
there. Very long walk it was, but we managed to see almost all and we even
caught up with all the rest of our group at the train station.
Once back in the city I had a pleasure of working, so
all tired I headed straight there and it was a busy night with a lot of mean
people and since my patience was low, it was a bit difficult night.
But we survived it. I mean, we did not exactly have a
choice, did we?
After that it was just work and school. School and
work. I am still trying to make my school to make me a letter containing of 2
sentences, but apparently it’s too much to ask. It’s never going to get easier,
is it?
Off Topic
Unbelievable. I don’t know if that was just a
coincidence, or a real reason, but finally my heart caught up with my head. I cannot
believe it actually took so long but it seems like at last sun managed to get
through those clouds and shine a little.
Such a pathetic fool you are. You and me, we both are,
Tick-tock-tick-tock. Don’t forget to check the time.
I have decided to allow myself one last mistake. Or
maybe lesson. Memory? Whatever we call it, I have decided, I deserve this. And
no one is going to take that away from me.
P.S. After the whole day of trying to understand ONE
article with only ONE model, I remembered what it feels like to be Elite again.
Never ever in my life have I felt so stupid. Maybe I will never learn. Or will
It struck me today. It could have easily been us, you know? And now we'll never know.
Happiness. Such a weird sense of humour that chick's got.